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Biography RA kartini✨
One female character is very popular in Indonesia. He is Ajeng Raden Kartini or known as r. a. Kartini, he is known as one of the national heroes who fought for the emancipation of women persistent known when he lived. About biography and profile of r. a. Kartini, born on 21 April the year 1879 in the town of Jepara, date of birth was later commemorated as a day to honor Kartini his nation Indonesia. She was born in the midst of a noble family, therefore he obtained his r. A (Raden Maya) in front of its name, the title itself (Ajeng Raden) used by Notable before she was married, if married then knighted used was r. a. (Raden Ayu) according to tradition.
His father named R.M. Sosroningrat, son of Prince Ario Tjondronegoro IV, a nobleman who served as the Regent of jepara, he this is the grandfather of r. a. Kartini. His father is the person who Sosroningrat R.M. distinguished because of its position at that time as the Regent of Jepara kala Kartini was born.
Kartini‘s mother named M.A. Ngasirah, he this is the son of a kiai or religious teacher in Telukawur, the town of Jepara. According to history, She was a descendant of Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VI, some even said that his father’s lineage coming from the Majapahit Kingdom.
The mother of r. a. Kartini i.e. M.A. Ngasirah themselves are not descendants of count, but only the common people only, therefore the Netherlands colonial rule when it requires that a Regent must be married with the count, too, until finally Kartini‘s father then marry a woman named Raden Adjeng This which is a direct descendant of the Raja of Madura.
R. A. Kartini Alongside His Brothers
R. a. Kartini’s own brother has totaled 11 people consisting of brothers and half-brothers. He is the fifth child, but she was the eldest daughter of 11 siblings. As a nobleman, r. a. Kartini also reserves the right to obtain education.
His father then send small Kartini ELS (Europese Lagere School). This is where She later studied Language Netherlands and attended school there until he was 12 years old because it is according to the custom of the time, girls should stay at home to ‘ dipingit ‘.
Despite being at home, r. a. Kartini active in conducting correspondence or correspondence with his friend who is in the Netherlands because he is also fluent in speaking in Netherlands. From then, She got interested with the mindset of a European woman she read from newspapers, magazines and books that he read.
Until then he began thinking of trying to advance the indigenous women because in his mind the position of indigenous women are still lags a long way or has a pretty low social status at that time.
R. a. Kartini read a lot of newspapers or magazines of the European culture that became the customers who speak Dutch, in the usiannya to 20, he read a lot of books by Louis Coperus, entitled De Stille Kraacht, Van Eeden, Augusta de Witt as well as various roman-roman–Dutch-speaking feminists all of which, he also read books by Multatuli‘s Max Havelaar and love letters.
… Religion should keep us from sinning, but how many sins did people in the name of religion–(r. a. Kartini). “
His interest in reading then made he has ample knowledge reserved for science and culture, r. a. Kartini pay particular attention on the issue of emancipation of women see a comparison between native women and European women.
He also paid attention to the social problems that occur according to him, a woman needs to obtain the equation, freedom, autonomy and equality law.
Letters that kartini wrote more in the form of complaints about the conditions of indigenous women, where he saw examples of Javanese culture that when it’s more inhibiting progress of indigenous women. He also revealed in his writing that there are many obstacles faced by indigenous women in particular in Java in order to get more advanced.
Kartini wrote down the suffering of women in Java, such as dipingit, should be non-free in menuntuk science or study, as well as the existence of a customary curb freedom of women.
The lofty ideals of r. a. Kartini is he would like to see indigenous women can study and learn what it is today. New ideas about equality or women’s emancipation of indigenous sports Kartini, considered to be new things that can change the views of the community. In addition, Kartini‘s writings also contain about i.e. meaning Divinity, wisdom and beauty, humanity and the fairies also nationalism.
Kartini also mentions religion, for example, he questioned why men can berpoligami, and why why scripture must be read and remember without the need to understand it.
His Netherlands women friends of Rosa Abendanon, and Estelle “Stella” Zeehandelaar also supports the thoughts expressed by r. a. Kartini. History says that she was allowed by her father to become a teacher in accordance with the goals but he was forbidden to continue his studies to study in Batavia or into the Netherlands.
Through to the end, he could not melanjutanya his study to become a teacher in Batavia or
any College in the country Netherlands though when he received a scholarship to study there because in 1903 at the time of r. a. Kartini was about 24 years old, she was married to Duke K.R.M. Ario Singgih Ali Adhiningrat who was a Duke and also Regent in Rembang which already has three wives.
Despite that, the husband r. A Kartini to understand what being A KArtini r. wishes that he was then given the freedom to establish schools, the first woman who then stood next to government offices Rembang which then is now known as Boy Scout Building.
The Marriage Of R. A. Kartini Until His Death
From her marriage to the Duke of Ario K.R.M. Singgih Ali Adhiningrat, r. a. Kartini later gave birth to a son named Soesalit Djojoadhiningrat who was born on September 13, 1904, However sad, a few days later after giving birth to her first, r. a. Kartini died on September 17, 1904 at a very young age that is 24 years. He was buried in the village, Rembang.
Thanks to his struggle then in 1912, the school stood by the Woman she was in Semarang then extends to Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Malang, Madiun, Cirebon and other areas. The school was later renamed “School of Kartini” in honor of his services. Kartini Foundation is the family Van Deventer, a prominent colonial era of ethical Politics Netherlands.
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